International Workshop on 2D Heterostructures - HOWDI Annual meeting 2024

The annual meeting of the GDR and IRN HOWDI will be held at Sport Hôtel Leweck, located in the hilly North of Luxembourg close to the village of Lipperscheid.

The workshop will bring together some of Europe's leading researchers on two-dimensional materials (graphene, boron nitride, transition metal dichalcogenides, and many others). A particular focus of the workhop is on 2D van der Waals heterostructures, i.e., on the stacking of 2D layers with different properties.



The workshop will discuss recent progress along four axes:

1: fabrication and advanced characterization of hetero-structures
2: electronic transport accross interfaces
3: optical, excitonic and photonic properties
4: properties related to spin and electronic correlations


Important dates :

Arrival : Monday 30/09/2024 afternoon

Departure : Friday 04/10/2024 after lunch

Abstract submission deadline was 30/08/2024

Abstracts for posters can still be accepted. Please send your abstract by email as pdf-file to using the following abstract template for your submission : Abstract odt or Abstract docx

Registration deadline : 15/09/2024

Registration and payment link:

IMPORTANT: this link can ONLY be used by NEW participants to register. For all those who already registered please follow the instructions you get per mail (in case of doubt, contact us at

Registration fee (including full accomodation):

Double room accomodation : 550 €

Single room accomodation (limited availability) : 680 €

Since there is a limited number of single rooms in Hotel Leweck and neighbouring hotels, we cannot guarantee that all requests for single room accomodation can be fulfilled. Therefore: please consider opting for double room accomodation. If you have a suggestion for a room mate, you can fill in the name in the registration form or send it by email to




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